Sales In Construction: What Makes It So Special?

Sales is a particular skill in any business sector, and every sector has its nuances. Construction sales, however, is particularly specialist.

As almost everyone in construction will know, the industry in the UK is unique in having an extraordinarily good forward view on billions of pounds worth of upcoming construction jobs.

This potential new business is all logged in the planning applications and approvals system, and then through the tenders and contract awards data services that follow on from planning.

Virtually every new building project of any real value is documented, from small home extensions under £50k to major new schemes up to £1bn or more. They’re all tracked, researched and known about well before most buying decisions are made.

This means that every construction and property company, from small local builders and specialist sub-contractors to major national contractors, have one of the most powerful sales and marketing tools in the country at their disposal. Seriously – marketers in other sectors can only dream of the kind of market intelligence that the planning process provides.

Construction sales leads are the key to pro-active sales, and to hunting down the kinds of jobs you want most. You can use them to find the kind of projects you’re best at, at the right value, time and place – and go after them. All the information you need to do this is publicly available through the planning process.

We’ll get into how to navigate the vast ocean of data from the planning system, and how to find what you need. First, we just need to check the rigging, so to speak.